Do you want to create an engaging newsletter? Are you looking for intresting way to that? Choose video email marketing! It will improve your brand image and boost your campaign results. FreshMail can help you attract customers. If you want to make real contact with your audience and show your individuality, go for our offer. Professional team is waiting for you. They can explain you how and why to use video email marketing.
Why is it so important?
You should know why video is key to success. According to statistics, 64 procent of internet users will more likely to buy a product after. In addition, 65 procent of business decision makers will visit a website and 39 procent will make contact after watching a video. You can use video email marketing for education and training, keeping up with trends or establishing yourself as an expert in the field. Just sign up free for FreshMail. You will convince subscribers that you have something important to share by video. If you use specific emotions you will better remembered. Be more creative with FreshMail.